Your Project


STEP 1: Choose two or three partners.

STEP 2: Select one of the following:

1. Create a song/poem as an anti-war activist, about the psychedelic drug usage, or about the student campus movements. 

2. Create a piece of art (poster, painting, etc.) supporting the anti-war movement, the psychedelic drug usage, or about the student campus movements.

If your group selects option #1 read this:  You are to construct a creative writing assignment. You must create a song or a poem. If you choose to write a song as or about:

1. An Anti-War Activist: You must embody the reasons why the Counter Culture was anti-war and how this reflects the morals and ideals of the Counter Culture. (See the Anti-War Activist page under the Info on Options page)

2. Student Campus Movement:  You must detail how the life on campus is effected by the Counter Culture Movement.  You must also reference at least one famous student campus movement in your lyrics. (See the Student Campus Movement Page under the Info on Options page)

3. Psychedelic Drugs:   You must explain how these psychedelic drugs were reflective of the Counter Culture Movement.  You will want to include in your lyrics feelings or ideals these drug users had about the society at large or about the American Dream. (See the Psychedelic Drug Page under the Info on Options page)

Click here for examples of famous Counter Culture songs.  (This is a download file)

If your group selects option #2 read this: In this option, you and your group must create a piece of art (either a poster or a painting).  You have the liberty to create an traditional poster board, or you can be ambitious and create a electronic poster via glogster. (Click glogster to view information about glogster and to get started creating your poster). If you choose to create a poster or piece of art as or about:

1. An Anti-War Activist:  You will need to display pictures or attitudes of the anti-war activists.  You will try to really embody the attitude of the Counter Culture Movement towards the Vietnam War.  In your presentation you will need to be able to explain how your poster or art is reflective of the anti-war aspect of the Counter Culture Movement. (See the Anti-War Activist page under the Info on Options page)

2. Student Campus Movement:  You will need to include a picture or abstract from at least one of the famous student campus movements.  You will try to envision how a student's life on campus during this protestation era was effected and attempt to embody these feelings in your poster.  Your presentation must also include why you choose to include the pictures you did and how these pictures embody the ideals of the Counter Culture Movement. (See the Student Campus Movement page under the Info on Options page)

3. Psychedelic Drugs: You will need to create a piece that is truly abstract.  Art in this era was greatly influenced by these drugs.  It is up to you to devise a poster or piece of art that embodies the morals and ideals of the psychedelic drug users of this era.  You will then have to explain your poster or artwork to the rest of class and explain how this piece is informative and how it reflects the Counter Culture Movement. Bear in mind this is not a celebration of drug usage, this piece should be done keeping in mind the facts as to WHY they chose to take the drugs in the first place.  (See the Psychedelic Drug page under the Info on Options page) 

 After creating your artistic piece, you and your group will present it to the class and explain your motives behind it and what it represents.  
To see the grading rubric for both options click here (This is a download file)

This project allows you to showcase your creativity.  Building off prior knowledge from our lessons and from the websites listed within this Webquest, you are to create a unique, yet informative piece.  To aid with the processes of this project here is a guideline for activities:

Day 1: Split up into groups and come to a consensus on which option you would like to do. Begin research by going over prior lessons on the 60s and 70s and explore the websites listed on the Background Info page.

Day 2: Begin working on your project (either the song or the poster)

Day 3: Finish your project and allocate roles for presentation of theme of song or poster

Day 4: Presentations